

Hi everyone! This is the last post (so sad!). Today, I’m going talk about the English language challenges. I never liked to learn English at any institution. It always was a bored and stress task. The impersonal way always makes me reject the enthusiasm for learn English. I like to learn languages but I need a personal way because I think that everyone learns in a very different form that his partners. So, the experience at university wasn’t different from the experience that I had at school. At school the teacher always talked and we could never talk each other or at least to get interest about the importance of English. About the blogs, it allows me to develop more fluently in writing. I’m able to write a post without think much about the issue I want to explain. But I know that it is a process and I need to learn more vocabulary and compound phrases. The aspects of my English that I need to improved are… All. My English is not very well. I can talk, write, listen and read bu


Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about a controversial issue that was a present discussion in FACSO. This has to do with the changes in the study program of psychology’s curriculum. I think that the career is poorly planned because at the first year one start with subjects very specific like psychology of learning process and things like that. These subjects requires a special dedication because they has son many information to digest and it is not easy to deal with. I think that the formation has to do with the introduction to subjects more than study specific subjects. In this case, the workload of the first subjects is very elevated, but it is not a constant in the career. Actually, psychology is easy to deal with if one has the appropriate study habits. According with the last, I think that the career must has a later program of specialization for each area with practices hours because psychology is in lack of more opportunities to learn in practices than reading a books. I

Summers Plans

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about a funny topic: plans for this summer! I’m not the person who wait very anxiously the arrived of summer but still I like very much. For this summer I have one ticket to go in airplane to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I always wanted to go there because since I was a child it strikes me that place and I don’t know why. Today I know that Buenos Aires is a city fully of culture and books, and this excite me very much. I would like to visit every library I can and buy all the books that my wallet allows. I don’t know if this travel I’ll do alone or not but in any case I would like to go with Adrian, one of my best friends because we have spent much time enjoy this beautiful life. I had planned meeting with a sufi friend in Buenos Aires. I ask him for hosting and he reply yes! So I will ask him for places to visit in Argentina. I would to know the mosques at Buenos Aires, I think that Islamic architecture is a marvel of the Hereafter. Also I


Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about Animals! I love animals, especially cats and dogs. I have two female cats. One of them is called Ramona. I choose her name thinking about the rock band “the ramones”. The other one is called Mona. I don’t know why my mother put her that name. Also, I have two puppy dogs that I found at the street, near my home. They was abandon and I could not let them there. I’m not really interested in the exotic pets but I like the animals whom has skins or feathers with a lot of kind of colors. I think that is amazing to one’s sight.   Generally, I love animals but I hate the zoos. I don’t like that the animals seems like a show for the people who go to the zoo. But this issue is very controversial because there are many benefits for several animals that gets food and refuge that in other case they would not obtain. I remember that when I was a child I liked very much to go to zoo. I was fascinated by every specie of animal, especially, I remember, t

Postgraduate studies

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my postgraduate studies. I have to be very sincere. I don’t want to do a postgraduate course. I think that the institutionalization of knowledge makes the people wants to abandon any kind of education even the autodidactic form. That’s a very bad sign of how the modern education and the obligatory subject and so on has impact our mode to see the learnings process. However, if I had to choose one postgraduate study I would choose a course about dreams interpretation or unconscious mind. For example, psychoanalysis or analytical psychology are two subject that I would choose, because both works with the patient as active subject give him the precise interpretation of the words that they share with you. In this case, I would do the course abroad. I’m very interested in the Buenos Aires’s university (UBA in Spanish) because they have its focus on so-called “deep psychology” or “unconscious psychology”. I would like to study in a part tim


Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about my future job. I would like to job in my personal psychological consultation and in another space like public service or a hospital. I love psychology. I think that in this society, occidental society I mean, people deserve a psychological treatment not because they has mental illness but it’s an opportunity to recognize aspect of themselves that could produce inner and outer conflicts. I imagine having my own consultation in a department at Santiago’s center. My patient would be of all ages since child to adults. I don’t know if there are psychologist that works in outdoors moods but I don’t like this idea. For my comfort my job will be indoor. It’s not necessary to travel a lot in this job and I don’t care about that. I consider myself more sedentary in that terms. About salary, one session of therapy is expense but I think the price of the session needs to adequate to each patient and his material conditions. I like psychoanalys

My Favorite Music!!

Hi dear readers, today I’m going to talk about my favorite music. My favorite music is Rock and I started to listen it when I was a child. The first band that amazed me very much was The Beatles. I was a teenager when I listen “let it be”. The first thought that cross my mind was: this is the best song that I ever heard. I like The Beatles because this rock is very soft and kindly. I don’t like metal or another kinds of heavy rock because it doesn’t give me pleasure to my ears. Other kind of music that I like is Indie Rock. This rock was soft too and it has a rhythm that remembers me my childhood and I don’t know why. From indie Rock I like the band called “Grizzly Bear” that is a combination of The Beatles and Radiohead. My favorite song of that band is “Losing all sense”. I think that this song, from the “Painted Ruins” album, is one of the best songs that this band has. I strongly recommend to listen the “Veckatimest” Album. The song “Ready, able” is amazing because the sin